Thursday, October 22, 2009

What this page is about (an introduction).

Hello Humans, welcome to my page. Some way or another, you have stumbled across this little insignificant soapbox of mine. This page will be where I'll post my arguments for why the concept of race (being scientifically unfounded) should be done away with. My aim is to approach this with a scholarly bent. I'll do my best to find arguments pro and con for race and give my reactions to them. Many times, though, you'll find me speaking off-the-cuff, letting you into my personal feelings about the topic (it is my blog, afterall). Do not worry. I don't plan on boring you with post after post of me waxing philosophic. My aim is to create discussion about race to provoke a dialectic that, hopefully, will slowly begin to undermine it as a valuable concept in our society. That being said, I welcome your arguments in the comment section, though only serious and respectful arguments will be entertained. Once again, welcome to my page. Now I guess I'll explain why I've begun this campaign against the concept of race.

Like so many people, I took the concept of race as given. It seemed obvious that there were black people, white people, asian people, hispanic people, and others. It was one of many dogmas that infested and cluttered my mind with their unquestioned statuses of being true. I probably would've held this belief until my death had science not enlightened me. Race among human beings had no scientific backing. In fact, the science on race says that we are all exactly the same thing. There are no subspecies of Homo Sapien. The differences in appearance, which are real, are only evolutionary responses to the various environments that humans have moved into. These differences are superficial and do not underscore that there are different races among human beings.

Well, after science had corrected my false assumption, being the rational man that I like to believe I am, I had to let go of the illusion of race. The next question was, what is race then? It is a sociological construct. It is made up, basically. Like many things that are made up, there is a kernel of truth. That kernel was that there are physical differences among self-ascribed human groups. Humans took these differences and gave them meaning. You might very well know what these meanings are. One of them is the idea that "I am (insert race(s) here) and he/she/they is/are (insert race(s) here)." When something like this is said, the speaker usually means that there is some fundamental difference among who they are versus another person who is supposedly not like them. I no longer believe this, and my hope is that with time others will come not to believe it either.

With this blog I hope to do as much as I can to try to eliminate what I believe to be a harmful idea. I don't expect much, but maybe I could reach a few other minds and sway them to my view. I'm going to attack this concept in as many ways as I can here. I won't go into all of them now. You'll just have to keep reading to find out. If you plan on being a consistent reader of this blog, get comfortable. Ideas such as this one take a long time to rub out. Seek truth.

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